YES! If you have passed an agent’s interview, they’ve sent you for an interview which has resulted in a job offer, remember, you still have options:

  • Don’t let pushy agents force you into accepting a position you feel is not right. Remember, agents earn commission from placing you with their client. Unfortunately, agents don’t always have your best interest at heart. The best advice is ALWAYS stick to reputable agencies who subscribe to a solid set of principles and business ethics.
  • Before accepting an offer you must be sure that the position is what you want and that the salary has been confirmed in writing. If it isn’t you will soon leave, which will affect your previously stable track record. This will count against you in future applications.
  • Don’t allow companies to force you into situations that make you feel uncomfortable… And don’t allow companies to bully you into making harsh, quick decisions.

When receiving an offer you should be given enough time to think about it, and your agent and/or the potential employer must allow you to ask questions. If you are not clear about something, speak out before you accept the position.

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